Violin Club

I began the violin club during in September 2013. Since that time, interest has been very high, and I have taught more than 4 dozen children in the violin club over the past two years.

Establishing and managing the club has taken a considerable amount of extra-curricular time on my part. I have 2 or 3 clubs each term. I used to hold the clubs on two separate days per week, but I have recently managed to fit them into the same evening. Managing the clubs takes a significant amount of administrative work on my part, as I have to communicate with many different families, collect payment, and schedule concerts and rehearsal dates. Despite the large work load, this has been an excellent application of my skills as a music teacher.

Now that I am entering my third year of teaching the violin clubs, I have a much stronger grasp on teaching strategies, and am trying to accelerate progress as much as possible. During the 2014-15 school year, I introduced music medal repertoire to the children, so that they could pursue their music exams. This has provided a clear progression route, and has interested many children and parents.

The violin club performs once per term, and I am trying to incorporate violin with recorder performance, in order to create a type of string and wind orchestra.