Observation Records

Listed below are my observation records. I have been observed by a variety of leaders both within the school and from the local authority. I have received very positive feedback on many different aspects of my teaching. Common themes across observations include high level of pupil engagement, good behaviour management, strong subject knowledge, and the effective incorporation of technology.

Listed below are my feedback forms. I provide links to the original document, followed by a summary of the findings from the observation.

LA Review 2 July 2015

When the LA visited the school, they observed my Year 1 lesson and made specific reference to my teaching in their final report. Their comments (from the second page of the report) included the following (emphasis added):

In a good music lesson children were engaged in purposeful learning. The activities were well planned, engaging and provided appropriate challenge. Assessments made by the teacher were accurate and followed up rapidly. As a result the children made progress in their learning.


In DSR and the good music lesson children were keen to engage in learning and their behaviour supported their progress. However in the majority of lessons seen, children were not sufficiently challenged resulting in some chatty and off task behaviour.

These statements by the LA supports the evidence I have provided throughout my portfolio in regard to planning, pupil engagement, progress, assessment and behaviour management.


This is the feedback form provided by the Deputy Head, who was present in my lesson when the LA observed. The observers noted “a high level of engagement”, good pace, differentiation, high expectations, resources were ready, formative assessment strategies were implemented, good use of questioning, and clear routines for the children.

The area for development was to consider where children sit in the lesson in order to better manage behaviour.


This observation took place during a Year 5 lesson. The verbal feedback was very positive. Written feedback included the following: “what we observed was of a very high standard with many strengths”, “Excellent planning and preparation reflects the expertise in both subject (music and computing)”, “Children were engaged all the way through”, “Differentiated questioning”, “Good use of AfL”, “Basic literacy skills enforced”, “Well established expectations”, “Excellent behaviour as the result of planning, preparation, high expectations and respect”.

The target listed was to ensure higher ability pupils are provided with greater challenge.


This was a Year 3 lesson, in which the children were playing the recorder. Comments included: “Excellent subject knowledge”, “TA used well to make notes”, “Pupils made progress over time and also made progress within the lesson”,

The target listed was to establish stricter rules with instruments to get full attention when making teaching points.



This was a Year 2 lesson in which we used iPads to play on the xylophone and to record our playing. Written feedback included “Lesson pitched really well, planning very clear”, “All children made progress”, “iPads were used effectively”, “Activities were accessible for all and fun”, “Children were engaged and as a result there were no behaviour issues”, “Very positive feedback to all children”, “There is very clear progression”, “This lesson was outstanding”, “Your behaviour management was very good”,