Contribution to School

Since I first arrived at Starks Field, I have tried to make a contribution beyond the classroom. Listed below is a brief summary of my activities. Details can be found by clicking on the links to the right.

  • In September 2013, I started a violin club, which has engaged more than 50 pupils in Years 1 through 6
  • I help to lead and coordinate lunch time and after school clubs, including Glee and Recorder
  • I have volunteered to be a committee member for the parent’s organization (FOSS Meeting Minutes linked)
  • I have accepted the role of Staff Governor (Spring 2015)
  • I hold concerts once per term so that parents and children can celebrate the instrumental achievements of children in the recorder and violin clubs
  • In Spring 2015 I joined the ICT strategy group to help plan the development of ICT at Starks Field. During Summer 2015 I wrote a grant that we submitted to the Ernest Cook Trust, in order to secure funds for more iPads. We are awaiting the results of the application.
  • In Spring 2015 I was asked to join the DSR team, which leads directed reading activities for children in Years 1 and 2. I have also been teaching the Year 1 phonics lesson when the Year 1 teachers have PPA, in order to maintain the daily phonics program established in Year 1. (Examples of work available in the menu on the right)