Reflect Systematically

During this school year I have begun a method of systematic reflection that has helped me with my planning an preparation. After each lesson, I use my lesson plans to write a review of what worked well and what I can improve in the future. At first this was rather tedious, but it has been very valuable since I teach each class only once per week. Therefore, it is good to have a record of what occurred in the previous lesson so that I can effectively build upon children’s learning during the following week. The Year 3 planning for the entire spring term (2015) is available below. My review of each lesson is at the bottom of each document, in red text. The red text are my notes about the lesson, and are an informal method of reflecting on my lessons.

Year 3 Music Lesson 1; Year 3 Music Lesson 2; Year 3 Music Lesson 3; Year 3 Lesson 4Year 3 Lesson 5Year 3 Lesson 6Year 3 Lesson 7Year 3 Lesson 8

Listed below is a review of the entire term, which I wrote to reflect on the successes and areas of improvement. I use this review as the starting point for planning my lessons for the next term.

Year 3 Spring Term Summary 2015