In order to most effectively use lesson time, I have begun to use technology to deliver lessons (other than recorder, violin, and other instrumental lessons). ICT allows me to quickly provide differentiated tasks, collect evidence, and engage pupils. ICT also minimizes issues that can distract children and prolong lessons. For example, I never have to worry about sharpening pencils, passing out papers, or other time-consuming processes. Ideally, my lessons are devised with a 10 minute carpet session, followed by 20-30 minutes of independent activity, followed by a plenary/sharing activity at the end. This doesn’t always work given the poor ICT infrastructure in the school, but I am becoming more successful at implementing ICT to effectively enhance lesson time.

Using ICT has become an effective way of delivering lessons, assessing work, and collecting evidence. Since I don’t have a TA, I have resorted to ICT as a method of quickly sharing and collecting work from children. For more information on how I use ICT to effectively manage lesson time, please view my music portfolio.