Charanga Music World

Charanga Music World is my primary resource for my Year 3 recorder lessons. This site has tons of excellent songs, and I am able to share the songs with the children online. During the Autumn term (2014), I spent a lot of time introducing children to the website, how to log in, and how to practice the songs online. As a result, many children logged in outside of school and practiced the recorder. Since the Autumn term, the login rate has not been as good, but a few children still log in and practice the music at home.

Graphs of children’s login data is below.

3S Charanga 25 May 2015

3F Charanga 25 May 2015

The following picture is the home page of Charanga Music World. On the left side is the avatar, which children enjoy editing. The children also collect coins, which are displayed on the left, and they receive badges which can also be accessed on the left sidebar.

The world at the bottom of the page includes a set of pre-planned activities for children to practice on their particular instrument. They visit different locations in the world, which get gradually more challenging.

The “Teacher Moon” is at the top left hand side, and is the location where I can put specific activities for the children to complete.

Charanga Home Page


This is a list of activities that I placed in the Teacher Moon. Typically, I put the songs that we are practicing in the moon, so children can learn these at home.


Moon Missions


Here is a picture of “Bongo Beach”, which is the first location that children visit while in the music world. Children complete various activities on the beach before proceeding to the next place.


Music World